Frequently Asked Questions
In an effort to help provide you with the best answers to your questions, we have gathered our most commonly asked questions about home inspections in general or about our company. We hope that these answers many of your questions about home inspections. If you want more information, you can use our contact form or give us a call. A helpful Armored Home Inspections associate will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Why should I get a home inspection?
A competent home inspection provides you with the information required to make an educated decision about a specific property purchase. Without such an inspection, you are susceptible to significant risk and financial loss.
When should I arrange for my home inspection?
It is best to decide on an inspection company as soon as you have found a home that you wish to purchase, or while you are in the home-searching phase.
What should I expect from a competent home inspector?
A competent and professional inspector will typically take approximately 2.5-3.0 hours to inspect an average size home. The inspector will visually inspect all pertinent systems and components of your home and provide you with a written home inspection report. This report should include a description of the home and it’s components. It should also include any and all discrepancies which may impact the safety of the occupants and/or adversely impact the value of the home.
How much do your home inspections cost?
Home inspection costs vary depending on the home’s size, age, and components to be inspected. The best way to obtain an exact cost for the services you need is to either contact us or submit the property information you need a quote for on our order an inspection form.
When do I pay for my home inspection?
Payment for the home inspection is accepted at the time of the inspection.
What are your accepted payment methods?
Armored accepts personal checks, cash, money orders, and credit cards.
When will I get my home insepction report?
We provide our home inspection report electronically the next business day.
Do you provide partial or limited inspections?
Yes, we do provide specific or limited inspections.
More Information – Limited Inspections for: Home Buyers, Home Sellers, Home Owners
Do inspectors include cost estimiates with their home inspection reports?
Many inspection companies do NOT provide cost estimates. But companies like Armored Home Inspection, LLC provide our clients access to a Free Repair Pricer report following their inspection. Repair Pricer takes the recommendations from our home inspection report and provides a comprehensive cost estimate of the repairs for quick and easy negotiations and decision making.
Can your insepctor tell me what my house is worth?
No, an inspectors’ job is not to tell you what your home is worth. Rather, this is the job of a professional real estate appraiser.
Does your inspector walk the roof?
Yes, our inspectors make every effort to get on the roof of a subject property to evaluate, not just the roof but the many other components located on the roof such as the chimney, roof vents, and roof drainage systems.
Does your inspector walk the roof if it is raining?
It depends on the type of roof. Yes, if the roof is a flat/low sloped roof. No, if it is a pitched roof that poses a significant safety risk to the inspector.
Does Armored provide additional ancillary services?
Yes, we are professionally trained and certified by the governing bodies responsible, to provide wood destroying insect inspections/certifications. We also provide radon measurement services and indoor air quality testing with an emphasis on mold spores.
Do I need to attend my home inspection?
We highly recommend you attend the home inspection. This is the best way to get the most out of the home inspection experience. Your inspector will provide helpful tips and areas to watch during your home ownership. However, if you are out of town, or unable to be present our office staff will handle everything electronically for you. Our detailed report with digital photos will provide you with information about the areas of the home that were inspected, and the inspector’s findings.
Are there limitations to the home inspection?
Yes, limitations do exist when inspecting a home. Since a home inspection is a visual inspection of the home and it’s components, dismantling of systems or components are not conducted. Furniture and stored belongings within occupied dwellings are not removed to inspect areas not in view. During inclement weather or snow cover, roof access may not be possible. Also, dense vegetation and/or snow will prevent a proper assessment of the grading close to the home.
Does Armored insepct commercial properties?
Yes, we provide inspection services for commercial properties. We call it a Survey Walk-thru and we limit these inspections to 20,000 sq ft. or smaller.
Does Pennsylvania have laws or licensing for Home Inspections?
As of January 2010, there is no licensing of home inspectors. However, there is legislation that defines what a home inspection is and the qualifications needed by individuals to be considered a home inspector in PA. In summary, the law Act 114 of title 68 chapter1032 says:
a. An inspector must be a regular member in good standing in a non-profit home inspector association that has members in 10 states:
b. An inspector must maintain Errors and Omissions insurance with minimum coverage limits of 100,000/300,000:
c. New inspectors complete an accredited home inspector course and pass a home inspector exam of competency.
d. New inspectors must participate in 100 fee paid inspections with a regular inspector.
Is a license required in any surrounding municipalities for inspections to be preformed?
Yes, Philadelphia requires home inspectors to be licensed in order to perform home inspections within the city limits.
What is Armored's service area?
Armored Home Inspections, LLC, provides inspections for properties in Bucks, Chester, Lower Montgomery, Philadelphia, and Delaware counties in Pennsylvania, and Northern New Castle County in Delaware.
Are there things I can do to reduce my energy cost and carbon footprint on the environment?
Absolutely! There are a host of things that you can do to reduce your energy costs. An inspection of your home with energy loss in mind can be performed. This inspection is called an Energy Tune-Up. You can also have an Energy Audit performed on your home. These inspections can be conducted by Armored’s trained inspection staff, just call our office to find out more. In addition, we encourage everyone to recycle as much you can and to purchase products that have been recycled. Together we can make a change.
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Ready To Get Started?
We promise to meet or exceed your expectations each and every time you need us. Whether you’re seeking a certified inspector to evaluate your home, an environmental test to protect your family, or the sound advice of a qualified professional, our knowledgeable Armored staff is here to serve you.